New construction We specialize in working with our clients to design custom homes and other buildings that still have all of the functionality and livability that modern life demands. Whether in town, in the mountains, or at the beach, we work hand-in hand with our clients through the entire process. Our services typically include concept development, siting, early sketches, final design, construction documents, and construction supervision. Furthermore, during the process we help our clients with material selection including moldings, stone work, cabinets and countertops, and tile selection. Through our affiliate, MMR Design, we can also help our clients with interior and landscape design. Our goal is to design homes that look like they have existed for generations, but also incorporate the latest building practices and technology, meeting all of the clients’ goals and objectives for their home.
Renovation Similar to our experience in renovating historic public buildings and churches, renovating older traditional homes presents its own set of design challenges. Marrying modern and older construction techniques and materials require designers and builders to have the type of experience we and many of our recommended providers bring to the table. Typical projects include adding or updating bathrooms and kitchens, installing modern appliances and work areas, modifying floor plans and outdoor living areas to allow for better entertaining , creating new spaces like combined executive home offices and libraries, and modifying both formal and informal living spaces to reflect changes in how we live our lives today. As with our work on historic buildings, our goal is to renovate so the new and old blend seamlessly so they appear to be of one design and built at the same time – in short, making it difficult to know that we were ever there.